Sunday, April 22, 2018

What People Really Want

לזכות משה יהודה בן פעשא דינה

People think they want money but they really don't. 


People want PLEASURE because they believe that pleasure will lead to happiness, or more correctly, people believe [subconsciously] that pleasure IS happiness.

Money is the $ource of mo$t plea$ures, hence people want a lot of it.

The reality is that pleasure and happiness are two distinct domains. People can experience great pleasure and yet be very unhappy. For example, if a person is ANGRY, so in order to get back at his parents, teachers and/or G-d he eats a cheeseburger on Yom Kippur, he will have pleasure but he is certainly not happy. A man can watch pornography. He may experience [an obscene form] of pleasure but happy he is not.

Conversely, a person can fast and daven all day. It is not necessarily so pleasurable for the senses but it might well make him happy, for he feels close to Hashem and knows that he is doing the right thing.

Sometimes, happiness and pleasure DO go together. It is pleasurable to eat a sumptuous Shabbos meal with his family is his large and tastefully furnished home on exquisite china. It is both a pleasurable and happy experience.

So of course money can by many pleasures that can be a boon to happiness but we must never lose sight of what we really want. Happiness. True happiness is discussed many times in "Holy Scripture" and the words of our Sages. One pasuk is ישמח לב מבקשי השם - Those who seek out the name of G-d will have a happy heart. 

Hashem wants you to be happy and the שכינה הקדושה is in pan when you are not. 

May we all merit true, lasting happiness:-)!!!