Thursday, February 8, 2018

Important Link - Telling It Like It Is

Five years ago a study was conducted among Dati-Leumi [religious Zionist] youth asking how many go to inappropriate sites. About 80 percent said that they go of their own free will. Over 90 percent said that they get there some way some how. [It would be assumed that some would lie and deny it. But who would admit it if they didn't go? So the numbers are probably higher]. 

A churban that you can appreciate if you understand how horrific the aveirah is.

Now things are worse because most people don't use the Internet from their computers but from the smartphone in their hand and pocket all day.    

כל ישראל ערבים זה בזה. Even if you aren't falling in this area, you are. Because what others are doing impacts you as well. 

If you are a parent - guard the pure souls of your children. 

For more - click here