Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Passing Of Gedolim And What Their Legacy Means To Us

In the last few years, we have seen the passing of numerous gedolei Torah ztz"l: Rav Ovadiah Yosef, Rav Vosner, Rav Elyashiv, Rav Avraham Genechovski, Rav Chaim Greinman, Rav Moshe Shapiro, most recently Rav Shteinman and in the Dati Leumi world - Rav Aharon Lichtenstein.

The common denominator was that all of these people toiled tremendously in Torah, they were all "holding" everywhere, they all taught many students either verbally, in writing or both. They were all tremendously careful and meticulous in halachic practivce, were filled with Yiras Shomayim and their tefillos stormed the heavens. We read and hear about all of their amazing human qualities and really see what a true Torah personality looks like. Even if 80 percent of the stories are made up or embellished [I don't believe they are - I believe every last one unless proven false] they are still amazing. 

But I want to make one point. There are many, many common denominators but there were also countless differences which are not highlighted. They all had different temperaments, areas of focus, perspectives on issues, and personalities. 

This is important because we want to emulate them on one hand but we must not forget that Hashem gave us our unique qualities to serve Him in our special way. Rav Ovadiah was great because he didn't sit around all day reading stories of Rav Ovadiah or other gedolim. He LIVED Rav OVADIAH. 

So read stories of gedolim and try to emulate them in certain respects - but in YOUR unique way with the keilim that Hashem gave you.