Sunday, January 7, 2018


לזכות ידיד נפשי היקר מפז ר' דניאל צוייגבוים שליט"א אשתו הצדקת וכל בני ביתם, כן ירבו!!!

"Shemos" is a funny name for our sefer. "Names". The Ramban calls it "Sefer Hagalus Vi-hageulah". That is HUUUUUGE. Many others call it "Exodus". I get that, too. But "Names"?  

If you read carefully [or at least go here], you will notice how central names are to the narrative. The names of the Jews who went down to Egypt and the various discussions of the names of Hashem. For example, Va-era opens with the contrast of the name א-ל ש-די and the name י-ה-ו-ה. 

Earlier, Hashem tells Moshe that his name is א-היה אשר א-היה [don't say it because it is a name of Hashem]. "I Will Be That I Will Be". What does this name mean??  

We are locked in to a this worldy perspective of Hashem. We have to know that we will only get a more accurate picture of who He is in the FUTURE. 

"I Will Be That I Will Be". 

This is a DEEEEEEPPPPPPP topic. Here are a few interpretations of this name.