Sunday, January 14, 2018

Link For Marrieds Only!

I debated with myself whether to post and link but decided in favor. The BIGGEST nisayon of our generation is קדושה. It bothers me that people have the impression that everything is assur assur assur and that Hashem just wants us to suffer, chas vi-shalom! On the contrary - Hashem gave us tasty food to enjoy, sleep to savor, and MILLIONS of other pleasures BECAUSE HE LOVES US!!! He gave us the intense pleasure of חיבור for the same reason. He could have created a TRILLION other ways to procreate but He chose the most pleasurable. הלא דבר הוא! 

 So I ask two things before I link:

1] Only married people [or those very close to marriage] read it. 

2] If anyone has any heyaros, corrections, additions etc. that you tell me. It is all based on halachic sources and I am not the author. I am busy writing other things:-).