Saturday, December 9, 2017

Shocking Statistics

Last year a study revealed that in New York the abortion rate is 60 percent of the birth rate. 


This should bother us because it clearly bothers Hashem. A goy is חייב מיתה for aborting a baby. For a Jew it is merely an איסור דאורייתא but not a חיוב מיתה [some say it is מדרבנן according to a certain Tosfos - ואין כאן המקום להאריך]. 

In Israel as well, there are tens of thousands of Jewish fetuses killed yearly. After Hitler ימ"ש I am rather happy when Jewish children are born but so many peple don't get it. 

At the same time there are countless couples who spend tens of thousands of dollars and undergo invasive procedures and suffer excessive physical pain and discomfort in order to have a baby. 

It is sad that so many people kill a living being and also that they don't know how to appreciate this miraculous gift.