Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Is "Junk" Good?

We call it "junk food" because it is junk. Its only redeeming quality is that it tastes good. Otherwise it is terrible for body and soul. It causes obesity, diabetes, clogged arteries and a whole host of health problems. 

So why do we keeping stuffing ourselves and our children with junk? Why do I constantly get notes from my daughter's teachers that the girls should bring "junk" [called in Hebrew "ממתק"]. Every kiddush in shul is FILLED with junk. Shmorg at every wedding? Junk. 

I am fighting a losing battle because I can't even manage to keep loads of junk out of my own home [although there is no soda or sugar cereals] but I will keep fighting. 

I think the explanation is that we live in a culture that seeks IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION and there is nothing more immediately gratifying than a rich, sugary piece of chocolate cake with whipped cream [i.e. white sugar and chemicals] and a cold glass of coke. But maybe there are values in life that are greater than enjoying the taste of food. Maybe enjoying food is not even in the category of "value"? 

Health and self control, however, are very important values by all accounts.