Sunday, December 17, 2017

Is The Apocalypse Upon Us?

The joke about Chabad used to be that it is the closest religion to Judaism. Sometimes I read things from Orthodox people, even rabbis, and I am convinced that we are following two different - albeit distantly related -  religions.

From an article I just received in my email box from a rabbi who identifies himself as Orthodox: "As for my synagogue, I explicitly opposed single-sex Shiurim or learning opportunities, feeling that it was important to make the statement to all that anyone was welcome at these venues, including all Talmud presentations."

The argument for coeducation used to be that there is not enough money to separately fund schools for boys and for girls so we are compelled to integrate them into one school. 

But this is 2017. "I explicitly opposed single-sex Shiurim or learning opportunities". The mingling of the sexes while learning is the idealThe Apocalypse is upon us now. Actually, it isn't. The Apocalypse is the end of days when G-d's Kingdom will rule. At that time, says the gemara in Succah [52], there will be a EULOGY for the late-great yetzer hara [ימ"ש זצ"ל], at which there will be a mechitza, because even then, somehow, some way, there will still be an irresistable attraction between the sexes. But this wise rabbi, who is so wise that his article made its way into my email box, knows better. He insists that all shiurim be coed - even today. [Since in all modern shuls I know the coed shiurim are also mixed seating, I can safely assume that there is no mechitza here]. 

This is a GREAT opportunity for me to cry out that Klal Yisrael needs increased kedusha and as Rashi says on the pasuk Kedoshim Tihiyu 

 הוו פרושים מן העריות ומן העבירה שכל מקום שאתה מוצא גדר ערוה אתה מוצא קדושה.

If not us - then who? 

Melania Trump?  

Nancy Reagan when she was First Lady [I wonder why they used to call Hillary Clinton "First Lady". She should have been called "One Of Many Ladies" given Bill's tremendous love for all of womenkind] spearheaded a movement that encouraged the kids to "Just Say No", ostensibly to drugs. [I understood at the time that kids were supposed to "Just Say No" to their parents and teachers, so I obediently followed Nancy's directive. Those were the days...]

Melania should start a movement "just get dressed" and start with herself. 

The goyim don't get it. 

But we do. So let us be proud of our kedusha and preserve it.