Tuesday, December 12, 2017

An Expression Of Love - Go Mac's

The author of this blog LOVES Hashem!!!! He is always there for me and not only makes my life possible but also meaningful. 

Hashem loves me too. As part of His love [and probably due to my many, many, many aveiros], He has made me sick. I barely have to energy to get to my computer which is about three steps from my bed.

So please daven that אלחנן בן הענא מרים should feel SUPER HEALTHY [even better than I did before I got sick] together with ALL OTHER JEWS!!!!  [And if Hashem makes us all rich - a super bonus!!!]. Also - it is a family thing. Two of my children are also home sick - שמחה בן נעכא גיטל and חנה ליבא בת נעכא גיטל

I have been zoche to hear a lot of good Torah on line. Not my own. I don't listen to myself. I prefer to go to the real talmidei chachomim and marbitzei Torah. HODDDOOOOOO LASHEM KI TOV!!!!!!

PS - It is all hashgacha. One of my relatives played basketball for the YU Maccabees and I have been walking around all day in my YU Mac's hooded sweatshirt that I got from him. Keeps my shivering body warm.