Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Shmatsa Or LI-HAVDIL - Dolphins - Dogs

I once had a dream of putting up shiurim on the entire Shev Shmatsa on line. Now I have a hundred or so [WITH HASHEM'S EVERLASTING HELP], some bi-iyun she-biyun and most more on a pshat level. I am considering continuing the series [which became - like li-havdil my beloved C train is at times - derailed temporarily] but I would first like to know if people are interested. If you are please tell me. It is when I make appeals for money that I am ignored. This is not the time. No money involved [I am supported financially by the ASPCA in recognition of how nice I am to all of the thousands of dogs I meet whenever I go back to the Upper West Side. So I don't need money - just dog food]. Just say. Otherwise I can spend my time watching old Miami Dolphin videos.

Go Griese.