Monday, September 18, 2017

The Battle Of Good Vs. Evil

לע"נ אלימלך בן  ר' מנחם מנדל מלכיאל 

Every year there are new outlets of Torah learning, types of Avoda and revelation of the unity and oneness of Hashem. In the same vein there are new opposite powers of evil that come into being whose task it is to impede the good  from coming to fruition. We daven on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur that these forces should be nullified. The reason we are victorious is only because of our tefillos and maasim tovim at the beginning of the year. After all of our davening on Rosh Hashna and Yom Kippur we go out with our "weapons" of the arba minim [as the medrash puts it] and the victory is on Shmini Atzeres when we celebrate our victory. Shmini Atzeres in Kabala corresponds to the world of yovel, the world of complete freedom.