Monday, September 18, 2017

On Yom Kippur We Reveal Our Deeper Side

לעילוי נשמת אלימלך בן מנחם מנדל מלכיאל    

ולהבדל לחיים טובים וארוכים משה יהודה בן פעשא דינה לזיווג הגון וכל טוב סלה!

On Yom Kippur the deep internal spiritual world of the Jewish people is revealed and specifically because of this it is a special day of teshuva. Therefore, everybody has to appease his friend and people forgive each other in order to show that on this day we are deeper and all of the quarrels between people is only because of external blemishes and inadequacies but not on deeper soul level. For deep inside we are all one, with the unity of the Creator [כביכול].