Sunday, August 27, 2017

Who Are Our Heroes?

Regarding this post:

Everybody needs positive role models, both children and adults. We live in a world where there is so much negativity and such a strong emphasis on materialism that it is critical that we find human beings who live or lived their lives with solid moral and spiritual foundations. 

All too often our heroes and those of our children are people whose values are light years away from the values we profess to espouse and we don't always see the contradiction [and our children certainly don't] between our respect and admiration for these people and the way we want to live our lives. 

The pasuk says [Mishlei 27/21]:
מַצְרֵף לַכֶּסֶף וְכוּר לַזָּהָב וְאִישׁ לְפִי מַהֲלָלוֹ

The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but people are tested by their praise.

Says Rashi:  כלי עשוי לצרוף כסף והכור עשוי לבחון זהב ואיש נצרף ומתחשב לפי מהללו ע"י שהבריות מהללים אותו במעשיו הטובים נבחן לרבים אם טוב אם רע

You can see how much dross [impurities] there is in silver and gold by putting them in a crucible or furnace. But how can you test a human being? See how people praise him. Do people talk about his great athletic feats? How much money he has? His important job? Or do they talk about how much chesed he does or how devoted he is to his family? Listen to people's praises of this person.

But Rabbeinu Yonah has a different understanding: If you want to know what someone is about - listen to whom HE PRAISES. Whom does he revere? Whom does he respect? To whom is he willing to nullify himself? That says a WHOLE LOT about a person. 

So you can have two people. One a simple Jew, learns his daf yomi and works a full 12 hour day in finance. And another who learns in kollel three strong sdarim of gemara bi-iyun. But when a rich man walks in the room the kollel guy stands in awe and reverence while the more "simple Jew" isn't impressed at all. So the guy owns fifteen buildings on West End Avenue. So what?? What does that mean about him [other than that he is collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars of rent a month]? Nothing!! Not impressed.

But when a Rosh Yeshiva walks into the room it is the "simple Jew" who is "starstruck" and can't move while the kollel guy is like "what's the big deal? Another frock and round black hat".

The simple Jew is on a much higher level than the kollel guy even though most of his days are not spent in the Beis Medrash as his counterpart spends his.

איש לפי מהללו. A man is judged according to whom he praises. 

As Rav Hutner writes: 


The inverse is also true [as Rav Hutner writes there]: To the extent that people downplay and make light of people we can determine what matters to them. The letters "ח" and "ה" are closely related in Hebrew [they are similar in structure and sound similar as well], so we can say כח ההילול לפי כח החילול - The power of praise according to what we violate and make fun of. That is why the gemara permits leitzanus - making a mockery - of Avoda Zara. It brings home the point that it is all nonsense. 

So we have to practice praising great people and their great accomplishments while making a mockery of silliness such as competitive sports and empty, frivolous entertainment. Even if you watch it - you can still make fun of it. You can say "this Super Bowl game is so irrelevant and stupid. Lots of empty hype in order to generate revenue and so many players who will be brain dead in few short years. But what can I do - I enjoy watching it. Human weakness. Go Giants."    

Who are YOUR heroes???