Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Neshama Praises

לזכות כ"ק מרן אד"ש 

We say in davening כל הנשמה תהלל י-ה - Every neshama will praise you.

The neshama praises Hashem. The body - wants more of that potato kugel and another helping of cholent. The soul wants the glory of Hashem, the body wants its own glory and pleasure. The more neshama-dik you are the more you will praise Hashem.

Dovid Hamelech was able to dance in a completely uninhibited way in front of the Aron [שמואל א ו י"ד] because he was living such a soulful existence that he didn't care what people thought. All that mattered was כבוד שמים.

I hope we can start moving in that direction!!:-):-)  

['עפ"י ואני תפילה עמ' י]