Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Sitting With Hashem

לזכות הני תרי צנתרי דדהבא ידי"נ ר' אברהם יצחק וידי"נ ר' יוסף עזרא בני אסתר לברכה והצלחה בכל מעשי ידיהם הם וכל בני ביתם!!!

לזכות ידי"נ הרב חיים אהרן בן גילה וכל בני ביתו היקרים!!

The pasuk says in Tehillim [140] "אך צדיקים יודו לשמך ישבו ישרים את פניך" - Only the righteous will thank your name, and the straight ones will sit before you to praise you. 

What does this pasuk mean? Dovid Hamelech had very profound intentions when he said this pasuk. 

It is clear that the primary job of Tzadikim is to praise and thank Hashem. That is the meaning of אך צדיקים יודו לשמך. But what does the latter part of the pasuk "ישבו ישרים את פניך" mean??

Ahhhhh! Let's see. 

There are many psukim that talk about "standing". "ואתה פה עמוד עמדי". "וצוה אלקים ויכלת עמוד". And many others. Other psukim talk about sitting. "וישב משה לשפוט את העם". "אחת שאלתי מאת ה' אותה אבקש שבתי בבית ה' כח ימי חיי". And in many other places. The Medrash in Vayera relates that when Hashem visited Avraham, Avraham wanted to stand. Hashem told him to sit becaue this will be a sign for his children that they will sit in judgment and Hashem will stand, as it says אלהים נצב בעדת אל. 

The idea is that sitting implies a קביעות, something set and constant. If one has a השגה [a perception of Divine truth] and only at the beginning he is moved but afterward the effect wears off this is an indication that the השגה was not properly assimilated into his being. 

The original plan of creation was that all of the השגות we have should be firmly implanted in our psyche. But because of our sins it didn't work out that way and as we are more and more removed from our השגות they become dimmer and dimmer. 

The task of Dovid Hamelech and his progeny is to restore the קביעות and firm existence of our original השגות that they never get old as they were at the original moment of perception [as it was before sin]. The gemara tells us that אין ישיבה בעזרה אלא למלכי בית דוד בלבד. Only the kings of the house of Dovid may sit in the courtyard of the Beis Hamikdash. This is because the בית המקדש is a place that exceeds all physical limitations. For example - the ארון took up no space - מקום ארון אינו מן המדה. The לחם הפנים stayed warm and fresh all week long. When one is at the source, things don't get old. The בית המקדש is the source. The השגות that were perceived by מלכי בית דוד never got old. They were בחינת ישיבה - a reflection of sitting - set, constant, permanent and unchanging. When things always remain new there is also no death which comes as a result of things getting old. That is why we say דוד מלך ישראל חי וקיים. There is no spiritual death when it comes to Dovid Hamelech. This is because he received his life from Adam Harishon and is connected to that point in creation where no sin or death exist. The בחינה of משיח in Dovid never dies. This freshness and newness is expressed in Dovid's request שבתי בבית ה' כל ימי חיי. He wanted to SIT in the house of Hashem all of the days of his life and all of the השגות would be "sitting" type of השגות. 

Once a person has השגות that are on the level of ישיבה, he then merits NEW השגות which are still on the level of עמידה because he hasn't completely assimilated them into his personality. The idea of עמידה is that it is temporary because it hasn't firmly established itself.
The notion of judgment is that the higher lights of creation enter into our world. Two fellows have a dispute, they go to בית דין and then when judged these lights are brought down into our world eventually gaining permanence and ישיבה. 

The judges sit because their job is to establish these lights as permanent. Then new lights come בעמידה and then they too are established permanently. That is why Hashem STANDS in judgment "אלקים נצב בעדת א-ל" - Hashem stands when there is judgment. This is because he brings these much higher levels of Divine light and perception into our world. That is why when Hashem revealed to Avraham the mitzva of Bris Milah, he was standing and refused to allow Avraham to sit. The deeper meaning of this is that Bris Milah brings higher השגות into our world ועל בריתך שחתמת בבשרינו - Hashem Himself engraves the covenant on our flesh so that it will be permanently part of us.  He told Avraham that this is a sign that the judges will be sitting when I stand. Meaning that there too, the greater lights will come down to our world and gain permanence just as it happens at the Bris Milah.

But it doesn't end there. More and more higher lights constantly come down - first בעמידה and then בישיבה. That is the meaning of the pasuk [Eicha 3/23] חדשים לבקרים רבה אמונתך - There are new levels of Emunah that are created daily. 

[עפ"י רזי לי מאמר כ]