Tuesday, August 29, 2017

No Copyright

I have been asked in the past if I mind if people use material from the blog. The answer of course is that I am delighted. None of it is copyright. People copyright for financial reasons but I can't think of any. I would love to turn many of the posts into books and was approached by a publisher but it would cost about 10 thousand dollars [including editing, publishing and dissemination]. At most, all of my appeals to raise funds for my Hebrew sefarim [which are my first priority] generate a few hundred dollars which is very much appreciated but not sufficient [unless I want to use the money to go out one night with my family to a restaurant but then it will be all gone with the chicken wings]. I know lots of authors and others involved in fund raising and they all seem to raise thousands [or tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions] for their projects, so I just attribute it to the fact that Hashem made me better at other things than raising money and that He decides who gets how much for what. And that my readers, like myself, don't have jobs:-). That affords me time to write and them time to read. אשריכם ישראל. I have a friend who is an author. He goes to America for a few days, raises 20 thousand and comes home and publishes his sefarim. The thing is that we have a lot of the same friends:-):-). So all I can say is that ALL THE POWER TO HIM. One central lesson in life is that others successes [and failures] have zero to do with your own. 

So the call goes out - anybody who either wants to make some money off my writings or wants to be מזכה the רבים is invited to use any material they want and spread it around להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה!!