Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Carpe Diem

I went to the supermarket before Shabbos and saw that melons were on sale at 1.90 a kilo. I was pleased and bought two for four shekel. A BARGAIN!!!  On Sunday they were back up to about 7 shekel a kilo. I declined to buy any. Why should I buy the same product for over 3 times the price it cost previously? Do I look like Bill Gates? I might be a geek but I am not a billionaire:-) [I know that you don't have to be a billionaire to spend a few shekels on some food but you get my point]. 

I was annoyed with myself for not buying more when I had the chance at the discounted price. 

WHAT A LESSON FOR LIFE: We constantly have opportunities that will never present themselves again and we must GRAB them. For example: THIS SECOND!!!!! This second will never never ever ever return. Make it HAPPEN. Think a positive thought. Exclaim: "THANK YOU HASHEM FOR MY KIDNEYS!!!"

Every second is an opportunity that will never present itself again because every second has it's own potential and purpose. If you are alive this second it means that Hashem wants you here this second in order to do something good.  

If you have an interaction with another human being, things of ways to MAKE IT COUNT!!! Share some torah, express an interest in his or her life, compliment them etc. etc.

Carpe diem - Seize the moment!!!