Monday, August 28, 2017

Bein Adam La-makom Vs. Bein Adam La-chaveiro - Finding Your Friend's Smartphone - Yiddish, Greek, Latin, Hebrew And Even Some English

Car Accident Victims:

לאה הדסה בת מיכל חנה לרפו''ש
Leah Hadassah bas Michal Chana (11-years-old)

חוה בת מיכל חנה לרפו''ש
Chava bas Michal Chana (7-years-old)

יוכבד רבקה בת מיכל חנה לרפו''ש
Yocheved Rivka bas Michal Chana (5-years-old)

גדלי' דוד בן מיכל חנה לרפו''ש
Gedalya Dovid Ben Michal Chana (4-years-old)

לע"נ סבתי חנה בת ר' מאיר זאב 

לא תִרְאֶה אֶת חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ נֹפְלִים בַּדֶּרֶךְ וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ מֵהֶם הָקֵם תָּקִים עִמּוֹ. [דברים כ"ד ד']

Don't see your friend's donkey or ox falling on the road and ignore them. HELP him!!

The pasuk says that one must help one's friend when his animal is falling down. What is the halacha if it is one minute before סוף זמן קריאת שמע and if he helps his friend then he will miss the zman and if he says Shema then he friend's animal will already have taken a spill. What comes first - Shma [or any other מצוה עוברת] or helping one's friend? מה עדיף? In Yiddish - Vhich is pref-ir-ibell?

Two Hands

Helping the friend is also a לא תעשה as the pasuk says לא תראה etc. so maybe that added element would mandate that you help him. On the other hand - a mitzva בין אדם לחבירו can be forgiven-  ניתן למחילה, whereas the בין אדם למקום mitzva is not, so maybe it is more stringent and you should read your Shma? 


Pri Megadim - No Difference Between בין אדם לחברו and בין אדם למקום

The Pri Megadim [129/3] asks what the halacha is if a Kohen has the mitzva of Birkas Kohanim to perform and LO AND BEHOLD, he sees his friend's lost smartphone. Should he do the mitzva of השבת אבידה or ברכת כהנים? The Pri Megadim [hundreds of years ago!!!] writes that you should smash his smartphone. It is distracting and he checks the scores with it during חזרת הש"ץ. Plus, his wife complains that he loves his phone more than he loves her. OK. But what about another lost object that is more innocuous, such as his friend's wallet. Should he do his השבת אבידה or go to duchen and in the meantime someone will grab the wallet and BYE BYE bills with pictures of Big Ben F!! [Satmar Rebbe was being tested for American citizenship. The judge asked him whose picture is on the 50 dollar bill. The Rebbe's gabbai translated the question. The Rebbe answered in Yiddish "Tell him that I don't look at anything less than a 100". When the judge heard his words translated he banged the table and exclained "Joe Teitelbaum - you're my type of guy. Welcome to America"! זכותו יגן עלינו] 

The Pri Megadim says that according to the Rambam that there is only one mitzva of Birkas Kohanim he should return the lost object because that is an עשה and לא תעשה. But according to the Tur he should do Birkas Kohanim because there are three מצוות עשה involved in that mitzva, more than the עשה ולא תעשה of השבת אבידה. 

Kumpt ois [Greek for "I never knew that Birkas Kohanim was 3 mitzvos but you learn something new every day. The Rambam apparently didn't know either so I am in good company." So much meaning just in the words "kumpt ois"!!] from the Pri Megadim the juicy, delicious fruit that we don't distinguish between whether the  מצוה is בין אדם לחברו or בין אדם למקום when determining preference when there is a clash between mitzvos. 

Ramban - Bein Adam La-makom Comes First 

HOWEVER, the gemara says that a kohen may not be מטמא himself in a cemetery for the mitzva of השבת אבידה because [according to one reason] the איסור of טומאת כהן is more stringent than the ממון of השבת אבידה. The Ramban explains that we require the owner of the object to be מוחל in order that the kohen not become טמא.

HOW CRAZY EXCITING!!!! We have a YESOIIIID ["philosophical presupposition" in Latin] from the Ramban that מצוות בין אדם למקום take preference over מצוות בין אדם לחברו because we expect [and require] the person to be מוחל.

[מאוצרות הגר"א גנחובסקי זצ"ל]

MORE TO SAY - ועוד חזון למועד בלי נדר!!!