Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Importance Of Waiting For Salvation

לזכות ר' יוסף עזרא בן אסתר לברכה והצלחה הוא וכל בני ביתו!

It is impossible to escape from the anguish and suffering of Ikvesa D'mishecha [footsteps of Moshiach – pre-Moshiach times] without anticipating the salvation [ציפייה לישועה]. By thinking about and hoping for the imminent redemption we can actually shine the light of that period upon our present time with all of its trials and travails.

There are two additional benefits we receive from waiting anxiously for our salvation.

1] It enables us to accept all of our suffering with love. Knowing that this is all temporary is a very potent way to enable us to reframe our suffering into a more positive upbeat experience.

2] It lessens and can even prevent the pain and suffering. It crowns us with beauty, strength and glory, empowering us to weather all of the storms with significantly less anguish.