Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Seder Ha-limmud

This is really interesting. This sefer calls it "Shittas Maharal". What is "Shittas Maharal"? Original! At age 5 to learn Tanach until it is mastered completely. At age 10 to move on to Mishna until that is mastered. At age 15 when the mind is ripe one should start learning gemara. 

Ahhhh - sounds like Chazal in Pirkei Avos! Because it IS. So it is not "Shittas Maharal" but "Shittas HaMishna" which is unanimously accepted. Today, our educational systems veered from that as they have for hundreds of years. Why? It is a mystery to me. The "Zilberman" system [to which the above passage may refer] has restored the system of Chazal. The Steipler ztz"l didn't like it.... 

An interesting topic...

I have a lot to say but I won't say it:-). Maybe another time.