Monday, May 30, 2016

Feeling A Contradiction

Presently listening to a shiur someone is giving from the great USA in Kisvei HaRav Kook [as I go about my business]. 

I am not being critical of people who live in Chutz La-aetz. Everyone has their own reasons and rationale. I am far inferior than many people I know who live in Chutz La-aretz.

But I feel that living in Chu"l and learning Kisvei HaRav is like learning Yoreh Deah Hilchos Basar Vi-cholov at a McDonalds while munching on a cheeseburger.

Against - no criticism of people not living here. But it is only flight away and so many people COULD live or at least visit more - or at least support it better. And then to sit in an air conditioned room in Tumas Eretz Ho-amim and learn the holy Ksavim of the Rav strikes me as odd. 

Then at the end of every wedding at the fancy mafia owned hall the band plays Yerushalayim songs, the kids dance with much enthusiasm - and then go home and continue life on a trajectory of only coming to Eretz Yisrael after one is motionless and his soul is in the עולם שכולו טוב. Strikes me funny.

My own little hergesh.