Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Mayim Achronim - Money-Money-Money - George Washington's I.D. - Unknkown - Penny Problem

Rav Kook says that we wash mayim acharonim after we eat because eating is an animalistic act and in order to cleanse ourselves of the impurity that might have clung to us, we wash it off.....

Today, I had to go to the bank. Afterwards I came home and washed mayim acharonim. Money-money-money. All about money. Dovid Hamelech cried out הצילני מדמים אלוהים - Save me from making money my god. Scary. Gotta wash it off.

They asked me for my I.D. Do you think that when George Washington was asked for his I.D. he whipped out a dollar bill? 

I'm like "I'm the Ba'al Hamevakesh. You don't read my blog??" They never heard of me. 

Another problem I am having: I am getting a lot of pennies when I receive change. What on EARTH am I supposed to do with pennies?? Go back to the year 1903 and buy an apple for two pennies? Too late for that. I welcome any suggestions....

They say "a penny for your thoughts" but you "put in your two cents". Someone somewhere is making a penny...