Monday, January 18, 2016

Mind Reading

Rav Moshe Tzvi Neria related the following story that Rav Charlap told him:

Rav Charlap read the sefer נפלאות החוזה which related the wonders of the Seer of Lublin [the חוזה מלובלין]. Rav Charlap wanted to understand how someone was able to see things that nobody else was able to see.

He went to ask his Rebbi, Rav Kook. There were other people in the house with Rav Kook so Rav Charlap waited until he they left. When this happened Rav Kook turned to Rav Charlap and explained with a passion [without Rav Charlap prompting him and explaining his reason for coming] that some tzadikim purify their heart. Others focus on the mind. Other purify their ears. Then there are tzadikim who focus on their eyes. They work so hard to purify their eyes to only see what is permitted and in that merit they are able to see things that nobody else can see. Rav Kook explained at length the concept of Kedushas Einayim and the powers endowed upon somebody who reaches high levels in this area. That, explained the Rav, was the Seer of Lublin.

Rav Charlap was blown away by the fact that Rav Kook read his mind.

I guess if you purify your thoughts you can read the thoughts of others.

שיחות הראי"ה עמוד שמז


Rav Kook held his student Rav Charlap in such high regard that Rav Tzvi Yehuda Kook testified that Rav Kook's last words were "Reb Yaakov Moishe"...