Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hashgacha Pratis For Bnei Noach

We recently learned that goyim who are not in the realm of טוב ה' לקוויו – G-d is good to those who hope to Him, are only supervised with hashgacha klalis, a more general, less individualistic Divine supervision. 

This has halachic ramifications. There is a law that a korban is disqualified if brought בשינוי בעלים – with a different owner in mind. But regarding a goy we can possibly say that since he doesn't merit hashgacha pratis, once he donates the korban it no longer relates to him individually, and is swallowed up under the general rubric of בני נח and therefore שינוי בעלים would not adversly affect the kashrus of the korban. If goyim merit hashgacha pratis then the laws of שינוי בעלים would apply to their korbanos.

What about עבדים? Do they have special hashgacha pratis or are they subsumed under the hashgacha of their masters? Apparently it is a machlokes between the Bavli and the Sifri. The gemara [Sotah 39] only derives a special bracha from the Kohanim for freed עבדים [see there] while in the Sifre [Parshas Naso] there is a special derivation that teaches that עבדים merit a personal bracha. The Bavli is learning that they don't have hashgacha pratis and the Sifre contends that they do. 

This is a topic that requires much more discussion and analysis - ועוד חזון למועד!

Based on the Rogochover ztz"l

לזכות ידידי אהובי ר' שמואל בנימין בן תשנה רחל לאה וכל בני ביתו!