Monday, November 2, 2015

Avraham Kohen Gadol

Someone came to the Rogochover and told him that he had asked numerous gedolei yisroel about the medrash that says that Avraham was a "kohen gadol" and therefore could sacrifice Yitzchak as a korban. Why did he need to be a kohen "gadol"? Any kohen is valid for the avoda of a korban??

The Rogochover [the greatest and also - if I amy say - most colorful of the Torah giants of the last few hundred years] was aghast at the question. He covered his ears and said "I can't listen to lashon hara about gedolei yisroel claiming that they don't know the answer to such a simple question".

He explained that the moment he shechts Yitzchak, he has a din of an onein. An onein is pasul to perform the avoda and thus he would not be able to continue performing the other avodos of the korban. Only a kohen gadol is מקריב אונן and may continue after the shchita. 


[Heard from Mori Vi-rabbi Shlita]

My bracha to me is that I am zocheh to spread Toras Harogochover כאוות נפשי! Sweeter than sweet, deeper than deep.