Friday, October 16, 2015

Where Have I Been...? - NEW EMAIL:

My computer crashed. Had to fix it and spent a lot of money. Then it crashed again so I spent more money on a new one [hey - rich guys like me are always looking for ways to spend more money:-)]. Then I couldn't access my email. This has taken up a lot of time and energy.

In addition, lots of other things are going on that are occupying my time. 

May Hashem bless you and all of Klal Yisrael [ואני בתוכם] with only only only smachos, hatzlacha and bracha. May we all have the time to learn a lot of Torah and not be distracted by all of the distractions of this world. We should all fufill our tafkid in this world with simcha and hislahavus and use the tests and difficulties Hashem sends us in His everlasting love and mercy as stepping stomes to more growth. 

We will turn all of the צרה into צהר [a light - as we see in this weeks parsha].

Not Arabs nor any other problems will stop us from serving bi-simcha!


Bi-ahava rabba,