Friday, August 28, 2015

Seek Out My Face

Regarding the previous post...


The pasuk says לך אמר לבי בקשו פני את פניך ה' אבקש - About you [Hashem] my heart said, seek out My face, the face of Hashem I will seek out.


"Seek out My face" simply means the face of Hashem. But it can also mean  - my own face. My heart was sent by Hashem [as the commentators explain] to tell me that I should seek out my פנים - pnimiyus, deep recesses of my soul, and the result will be that את פניך השם אבקש - I will be seeking out the face of Hashem. For to find my true self is to find Hashem. 


צור לבבי וחלקי לעולם - The rock of my heart and my portion forever, says Dovid Hamelech. Who is in the hearts of the Jewish people, explain Chazal on this pasuk? Hashem. To look inside is to find Him.


People are ALWAYS looking outside. Hence the obsession-addiction to their social media toys. We don't look inwards but outwards. Hence, we find nothing but emptiness and constantly try to fill the void with more. But alas, it is a bottomless pit...


If we look inwards, to the world of deep emotion and profound intellect - we will traverse a bridge that will lead us to the One who is not only Above but Below as well.


לזכות ר' משה גבריאל בן יהודית לברכה והצלחה בכל מעשי ידיו הוא וביתו וכל אשר לו