Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Scandal

Every so often I write about this and because it is especially perturbing I will repeat the theme....

Parents, often highly intelligent and educated, spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on their children mis-education, and after 12 years of day school, [many of them] can't properly read a sentence in Hebrew, are unfamiliar with most of the Chumash, just about all of Nach, barely know halacha and are not motivated to know more. Not to mention the low level of commitment to keeping halacha and lives that are primarily, outside of some religious symbols, very secular. It goes without saying their gemara skills and knowledge rival that of a beginning 4th grader. I write with no hint of hyperbole. Anyone involved in Jewish education will confirm this.

What is more remarkable is that the parents themselves usually went through the system and should know better...

Why do parents put up with this? It is their money and more importantly - their children.

Why are schools not revamping the system? It stinks.

This is scandalous.

The miracle is that these kids come to Israel where some are saved. But then they return and raise children who go through the same system and the problem perpetuates.