Monday, July 27, 2015

Hashem Is The GREATEST

We have a gate in front of our staircase in order that our 1 year old Adina doesn't get to the stairs.

Today it was slightly open and she snuck through. A second before she started her "trip" down the hard stone stairs I caught her.

הודו לה' כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו

Thank you for saving my baby and thank you for giving me the baby. Every day is another miracle. She is a miracle.

EVERY human being is a miracle. From NOTHING but a "putrid drop" and an egg comes the absolute most complex organism ALL BY ITSELF.

I tell you friends - I can't get over it. The other day I was staring at my toes. How did they get that way? So symmetrical!!

I recently saw a story about a secular Israeli who had a daughter who couldn't walk because her bones were too soft. [There is a great tzadik story here but maybe for another time]. I thought - THANK G-D THAT WE HAVE SUCH STRONG BONES. How did they get that way?? How did our teeth get so hard. After a childs tooth falls out - try cutting it in half. You won't be able to. So hard.

The human being is ניסי ניסי ניסי ניסי ניסים!! Every morning when we wake up first we must roar ["יתגבר כארי - get up like a lion] and then say a modeh ani with AT LEAST the same enthusiasm we dance with the chosson when he comes out of the yichud room. Don't wait for a disease to appreciate Hashem's blessings.

We are surrounded by so many brachos.

כי הרבית טובות עלי!! So much chesed!!