Wednesday, July 29, 2015

False gods - Cling To A Torah Scholar- Guys Named Bill - When You Can Believe Lashon Hara - What People Choose To Believe

In a recent post we discussed intellectual idolatry. Not bowing down to idols but to a god that doesn't exist. That is ALSO a form of idolatry. If our perception of Hashem is twisted or tainted, then the god we are serving is not the G-d of Israel but a foreign non-existent god. This is a profound idea and I am honored to have shared it with the world. [In general, I am honored and thank the G-d of Israel for the privilege of being able to spread His word as I try my best to understand it. And thank YOU for being my "study" partner, invisible as you may be to me....]

I would like to expand this "foreign god" definition, especially as this week we read the BIG 10 dibros that changed world history.

The psukim tell us to "cling" to Hashem  - ובו תדבק, ולדבקה בו [Dvarim 10/20, 10/22]. The gemara [ksubos 111b] wonders how we can possibly cling to Hashem who is a consuming fire אש אכלה? The gemara answers that we cling to him through a conduit - Talmidei Chachomim. They are Hashem's ambassoders on earth, so to speak. The Rambam rules in Mitzva 6 that this is a mitzva from the Torah and explains that by being close to him we can learn from his ways how to get close Hashem. [Another good reason to have a Rebbi.....]

It emerges then that if one connects to fake, non-genuine, inauthentic, Talmid Chochom, he is clinging to a "false god". The mitzva is to cling to the real G-d through the real Talmid Chochom, anybody else is a false conduit to an non-existent god.

I wonder about a lot of people. Take the very well known rabbi of a very wealthy congregation somewhere on the east coast. This rabbi has the moral turpitude located somewhere between Bill Cosby and  Bill Clinton [girls - think twice before marrying a guy named Bill?:-)] and he doesn't deny it. Hey, attraction is attraction. Why should being married to someone else get in the way? Minor detail.  He also admittedly has very serious emotional problems. Yet, contrary to anything within the realm of the what my miniature brain can wrap itself around - his community insists upon retaining him as their "spiritual leader". What spirituality can you get from such a man?? It is certainly not Jewish spirituality.

This is also a form of a "false god". The דבקות to the "spiritual guide" is taking one in the opposite direction of the true G-d. If that isn't idolatry - then what is?

It befuddles my mind when again and again prominent people get in trouble with the law [both Jewish and, li-havdil - secular] and people CONTINUE TO FLOCK TO THEM. Wonder of wonders.

The complexity of man and the decisions he makes and what he chooses to believe.... A theme we have been fleshing out recently.

I am not saying that we should believe every story about every rabbi. Chas Vi-shalom. אסור להאמין ללשון הרע. But sometimes there is overwhelming evidence and the story is considered דברים הניכרים - clearly accurate, and one may believe it [see Hilchos Lashon Hara כלל ז הלכה י' י"א]. In other cases the accused admits it. At other times one should at least - as the Chofetz Chaim himself says - למיחש מיהא בעי, be wary. But no, people don't want to believe it so they don't and continue to follow and seek spiritual guidance from this spiritually sick man. For example - there is someone in Eretz Yisrael that Rav Aharon Lichtenstein said is dangerous and shouldn't be teaching due to issues he has. Let's say you are not convinced. OK. But isn't Rav Aharon enough of a "gavra rabba", that he would never say such a thing and publicize it unless he was sure that he was correct. I am no "gush-nik" but it is more likely that Derek Jeter would convert and a month later be learning in Chazon Ish kollel in Bnei Brak than it is that Rav Aharon Lichtenstein would say one word of lashon hara. If he said it, at LEAST למיחש מיהא בעי.

There are so many good people out there. Why can't people follow them and stay away from the creepy ones?

So the point of this "thread" [weird word they made up for post] is - connect to true tzadikkim and true talmidei chachomim and stay away from the problematic ones that either steal money, or have serious issues with gilui arayos in its various forms וד"ל. Of course, if he is a בעל גאוה or afflicted with other diseases of character he should also be avoided.

ויה"ר שה' יצילנו משגיאות ומתורתו יראנו נפלאות!!

לזכות עדינה בת שבע בת נעכא גיטל לברכה והצלחה ושמחה תמיד