Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Puzzling Gemara

לזכות ר' יצחק יונה בן חנה לבריאות איתנה יחד עם כל ב"ב וכל עמ"י 

R. Chanina b. Agil asked R. Chiyya b. Abba: Why in the first Dibros is there no mention of טוב  whereas in the second Dibros there is a mention of טוב — He replied: While you are asking me why טוב is mentioned there, ask me whether טוב is in fact mentioned or not, as I do not know whether טוב is mentioned there or not. Go therefore to R. Tanhum b. Chanilai who was intimate with R. Joshua b. Levi, who was an expert in Aggadah. When he came to him he was told by him thus: ‘From R. Joshua b. Levi I have not heard anything on the matter. But R. Samuel b. Nahum the brother of the mother of R. Aha son of R. Hanina, or as others say the father of the mother of R. Aha son of R. Hanina, said to me this: Because the [first tablets containing the] Commandments were destined to be broken.’ But even if they were destined to be broken, how should this affect [the mention of טוב]? — R. Ashi thereupon said: God forbid! טוב would then have ceased in Israel.
[Bava Kamma 55a]

This gemara is ODDDDDDDD!

1] A talmid chochom should know all 24 Sifrei Tanach. It is HARD to believe that R. Chiyya b. Abba didn't know explicit psukim in Dvarim where it says למען ייטב לך [see Shmos Rabba 41/5 - see a VERY shver Tosfos in Bava Basra 113a ד"ה תרוויהו].

2] Even if he DIDN'T know the pasuk by heart, why didn't he bring a Sefer Torah, look it up and find out if it says טוב?? [See Shabbos 49b and Kiddushin 30a where they did just that].

3] R. Chiyya b. Abba used to review all of his learning every 30 days [Brachos 38b]. When Ilfa asked him a much more complex question on the Chumash he had an answer [Bava Basra 123a].

One possibility [many have been offered...]: The R. Chiyya KNEW what was written in the Chumash. He wondered what was written on the luchos themselves. Was the version we have in the Chumash in Parshas Va-eschanan [where it says למען ייטב] written on the actual luchos or maybe the first and second luchos had an identical text and the difference between them was only recorded in the Chumash. See the Chasam Sofer [Bava Kamma 55a], Hamikra Vi-hamesorah [7-9], Tiferes Li-moshe [Perek Bris Shabbos - BEAUTIFUL TORAH!].   

See further in Kosi Revaya Parshas Va-eschanan what the Rebbe Shlita said in the name of Rav Chanoch Ehrentrau; Meshech Chochma 6/3 with Rav Cooperman's footnotes; Torah Temima Dvarim 5/16; Yeshurum 26 P. 280; Pninim Mi-bei Midrasha P. 61; Rishmei Biurim P. 166.  

Any other ideas sweetest friends??