Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Shalom Bayis Of The Leviim In The Midbar

Someone asked me over Shabbos that in light of the fact that the מחנה לויה was אסור לבעל קרי - how were the Leviim were allowed to be משמש מטתם?

I searched and saw that the Meshech Chochma [Bamidbar] addresses the question and offers an answer. I further found [בעזרת השם ולהבדיל תוכנת אוצר החכמה] that Rav Chaim Knievsky Shlita answered that they went to underground tunnels [not only for the Arabs in Azza!]. Then they were tovel immediately and went up.

According to his chiddush, it was pointed out, you have to add three chiddushim - 1] Such tunnels existed 2] The tunnels didn't have קדושת מחנה לויה. Three]  They had a mikva down there as well.


Any other suggestions?