Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Links [Hebrew]

As someone who has stood countless times on the side of the road watching hundreds of car pass me by and waiting [often in vain] for someone to have rachmanus and give me a ride - I found this article very interesting. When you have a number of people waiting for a ride at a "trampeada" [hitchhikers stand] - who goes first? I told Hashem that if I ever can afford a license and a car, I will stop for people and make my car a kli for chesed. That will be a tikkun for all of the holy yiddelach who passed me by on cold, rainy nights:-). May Hashem bless me with the opportunity.

Reminds me of the story of R' Shlomo C. who once gave an extravagant tip to a waitress. He explained that he was giving for all of the yidden who don't tip at all....

I often think of the three boys who were waiting for a "hitch" and instead of being picked up by Israelis they were picked up by animals who brutally killed them. EVERY single car would have stopped for them and taken them to their destination if the driver had known that he was saving three lives. OF COURSE it was a gzeira min hashomayim but it is also a gzeira min hashomayim that we must perform chesed....

Eating after zman mincha and the use of an alarm clock as a shomer to remind you. In general people should know that one should always daven immediately when the zman for tfilla comes [especially mincha and maariv]. One should not learn or eat etc. until he davens and there is also the issue of zrizim makdimin. People are often not careful about this and 11:30 pm maarivs are popular. This is especially true if one is traveling or at a wedding as one may not travel or eat a big seuda before he has davened. Kedai to learn the halachos.... [Simman 232]:-).

Machlokes between the Rambam and Shulchan Aruch HaRav about the nature of maariv. Rambam - The tfilla in it's "cheftza" is the same as shachris and mincha, just for the "gavra" it is optional. The S.A.H. - The "cheftza" of maariv is fundamentally different than shachris and mincha. For chasidei HaRav Y.B.S. -  This topic is a big "medubar" in Brisk [as noted in the article]. While on the topic - See the Beis Yitzchak journal [available on Yutorah number 30 page 103] for a huuuge beautiful chiddush on the topic from Rav Hirschprung whom we spoke about a few days ago.

Is someone patur when he is אנוס to do the act but would do the act ברצון even without the אונס? Geshmak!