Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Geula Bi-hesech Ha'daas

There is a statement of chazal that is very troubling. In Sanhedrin [97a] it says that Moshiach comes בהיסח הדעת - when we are distracted, when we don't notice. How can we be בהיסח הדעת? We are obligated to wait for the geula every second??

Explains the Sfas Emes [שמות תרמ"ח if I am reading him right] that we are distracted from the galus because we are so focused on the upcoming geula. Meaning, we have to accept our reality. We are in exile, it is really difficult, but I am not going to lament my difficult situation.

It is like a person being on an airplane on his way to a dream vacation. He may be uncomfortable, he may be nauseuos but he doesn't fret. He accepts his present reality as a given and dreams of those soon to come moments when he is soaking up the sun-and-fun.   

When you think about and anticipate the geula - you change your present reality as well. You become a more spiritual elevated being. You also hasten the redemption.

When you are suffering from difficulties, accept them, and then focus on a better future, you achieve the same results.