Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Fixing What Is Wrong - Stay For My Birthday

From my archives....

In this weeks parsha we read at the beginning: "Yosef was pasturing the sheep with his brothers and he was a youth with Bilhah's sons and Zilpah's sons, his fathers wives."
Rashi explains that the words והוא נער "he was a youth" mean that he was acting like a youth. He would beautify his eyes and his hair.
First of all - Is that what we are supposed to know about Yosef Hatzadik? That he was vain and would spend time prettying himself up??? He is the one called in Kabala "Tzadik yesod olam" - His righteousness made him the foundation of the world.
Second question - How do the words והוא נער  connect to the rest of the pasuk - "with Bilhah's sons and Zilpah's sons, his fathers wives"?
Before Yaakov died he also mentioned the eyes and hair of Yosef. בן פורת עלי עין - he is above the evil eye. ולקדקד נזיר אחיו - He was a Nazir who grows his hair long. Here Yosef was complimented with his eyes and hair. Earlier on it seemed not to be complimentary - it is not fitting that a tzaddik should be overly concerned with his physical beauty. What is going ON here?
The Sfas Emes explains that it is foolish to understand this Rashi simply. There must be more. We will follow that line of thought...
The explanation is as follows. There are two paths in serving Hashem. One] To first focus on fixing the evil and then doing what is good סור מרע ועשה טוב  Two] To first focus focus on doing what is good and automatically the bad will fall away.
Yosef felt that the first way was the right way. The Chiddushei HaRim explains that the hair is called מוסרות הגוף they represent "handles of physicality". Yosef was busy fixing his physicality. First he fixed what is not pure and then he focused on what is pure. When he was born he was called Yosef for two reasons. אסף השם את חרפתי - Hashem gathered in my disgrace. That is removing oneself from evil. The other reason is יוסף השם לי בן אחר - Hashem should add on another son. That is adding good and pure.
Yosef felt that Yaakov should first bless his older son Menashe who represents removing the evil as the pasuk says נשני אלקים את כל עמלי - Hashem helped me forget the toil of my father's house. Only then should he bless Ephraim who represents doing good כי הפרני אלקים - Hashem made me fruitful.
The Zohar says that Rochel and Leah were completely righteous. Bilha and Zilpa were Baalos Teshuva. The children of Rochel and Leah focused on the good because they were complete tzadikim. Yosef connected to the children of Bilha and Zilpa because their avoda was to first fix the bad. That is what the pasuk means when it tells us והוא נער את בני בלהה ואת בני זלפה he was a lad fixing the physicality together with the children of Bilha and Zilpa whose avoda was to fix the bad.  
At the end of Yaakov's life he blessed Yosef that he had fixed eyes בן פורת עלי עין - good holy eyes. He also fixed the hair and everything attached to the body and became a nazir. That is why later in the parsha when Yosef was in jail  Rashi says [39/6]  that Yosef was מסלסל בשערו. That means to elevate the hair. The Zohar says that one should take his payos out from behind his ears and Hashem will hear his prayers. That is elevating the hair. [Rashi also says that he was a ruler and ate and drank. He felt that he had ruled over his yetzer hara and could elevate all of the physicality]. First he fixed the evil and then he could focus on the good.
There is an argument how to light chanuka candles. Beis Hillel says in ascending order. First day  1 candle, second day two candles, then 345678. Beis Shammai says to light in descending order, first day 8 candles, then 7, then 654321. According to Beis Hillel we focus on doing good, adding light and the darkness will fade away. Beis Shamai says to start with 8 to burn away the evil. Then seven to burn away the remaining evil. We rule like Beis Hillel meaning that one must focus on the good and the evil will fall away. חנוכה - ח' נרות והלכה כבית 
It is the 19th of Kislev, a Lubavitch holiday. A myse: There was once a Jew who was in Crown Heights exploring Yiddishkeit. He decided he couldn't stay because the chasidim didn't respect Yoshke and he was a great admirer of Yoshke [!]. He was convinced by Rav Yoel Kahn to see the Rebbe before he leaves. He went to the Rebbe and explained that he couldn't stay because in Crown Heights they don't respect his hero....
The Rebbe answered "But how can you leave? It's my birthday soon and everyone is going to be celebrating! Please stay for my birthday party".
He stayed.
His children and grandchildren are shluchim..... The Rebbe avoided the bad, appealed to his nicer side and we have the fruits.
Sweetest friends - let us stop criticizing our children and spouses. Focus on their good and the bad will disappear.
[Based on the Sicha of The Tolna Rebbe Shlita, this past Thursday night]
A beautiful week and freilichin chanuka!