Sunday, November 2, 2014

10 Coping Strategies

We all have difficulties and struggles. I wouldn't want yours [unless maybe it would mean that you wouldn't have them anymore:-)] and you wouldn't want mine [unless you have masochistic tendencies:-)]. In order to deal with our nisyonos, we need coping strategies. How can we cope with hardships in a healthy and self-affirming way? [Not in any particular order]

1] We luckily are religious Jews so that gives us the number ONE coping strategy - EMUNAH. Emunah means that nothing bad ever happens and that all that happens is a gift from Hashem designed to help you reach your potential. It is hard at times to feel it but that is our avoda in this world.

2] This world is only temporary. Life is short. Any anguish you have is only for a limited time. Your soul is eternal and you are assured of eternal bliss. כל ישראל יש להם חלק לעולם הבא. It is like being on a airplane. I fly coach and it is quite uncomfortable but I know that the flight is only ten to twelve hours and I try to make the best of it. Life is much less than 10-12 hours in comparison to eternity:-).

3] Simcha. Don't worry - be happy:-). Happiness is a decision and not a result of your circumstances. Find ways to meet your emotional and physical needs as best you can.

4] Exercise and eat right. It really improves the mood.

5] Find a Rebbi, a good friend and a confidante. It can really help.

6] Learn Torah. If you are into Torah it is so geshmaaaaack that you experience Dovid's eternal words - לולא תורתך שעשועי אז אבדתי בעניי.

7] Do chesed. Forget about yourself:-). It is the best thing you can do for yourself. Paradoxical but true.

8] Do something creative. Everybody has creative powers that need to find expression.

9] Love. Loving is soooo good for you and can get you through anything. Love your mother, your father, your brother, your sister, your spouse, your roommate. Love everyone. It's an eerily good feeling:-).

10] Count your blessings. They are infinite. We tend to take the blessings for granted and place all of our focus on what we lack. Big mistake:-).

10] Add your own coping strategies to the list.....