Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Fixing Our Eyes And Ears

לזכות רבי צבי משה בן שרה לאה לרפואה ברכה והצלחה
ולזכות רבי אברהם יצחק בן אסתר לברכה והצלחה

The Zohar Hakadosh cites two opinions as to the nature of the sin of Chava: Smell or sight. She smelled the pleasant smell of the tree or she saw the attractive sight of the tree.

To rectify this sin we must fix these two senses. Motzaei Shabbos is the ideal time for this as we make a bracha on enjoying the sight of the flame [see brachos 51b] and on the pleasant aroma of the besmamim.

Motzaei Shabbos is the time of the seuda of Dovid Hamelech [melave malka] and we know from kabala that the entire purpose of the existence of Dovid Hamelech was to make a tikkun on the primordial sin of Adam and Chava [Pirkei D'rebbi Eliezer 18, Rama Mi-pano Maamar meah ksita 94].

Dovid Hamelech represents these two qualities. He was called טוב רואי [Shmuel 16, 12] - he was beautiful to look at. Moshiach Tzidkeinu, Dovid's descendant, will be able to judge people just by smelling [Sanhedrin 93b].

The Pnei Menachem often said that there are two ways to fix the sense of sight: 1] To avoid looking at pritzus [i.e. stay off newspapers, magazines, Internet, TV, movies etc. etc.]. 2] To have an ayin tova and see the good in others, as Rebbe Elimelech wrote in his famous prayer שנראה מעלת חברינו ולא חסרונם - We should see the positive traits of our friends and not their faults.

We have an expression in English that "it smells fishy" or the like. In Hebrew they say זה לא מריח טוב and in Yiddish עס שמעקט נישט יידיש - it doesn't smell Jewish. To fix our sense of smell we must stay away from things that don't "smell" right.

Motzaei Shabbos Parshas Bereishis is the BEST time to fix these to senses but it can really be done any time!:-)

[Sichas Ha-Admor Mi-Tolna Melave Malka Parshas Bereishis 5760]