Monday, July 14, 2014

Mankinds Biggest Enemy

Who is the biggest enemy of mankind? I would suggest - mankind....

Who could solve most of our problems? We could!

What do I mean? I haven't the time to expand but I will illustrate briefly. There are many diseases in this world and a large number of them are our own doing. "Every day, we’re swimming in a sea of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) produced by electrical appliances, power lines, wiring in buildings, and a slew of other technologies that are part of modern life. From the dishwasher and microwave oven in the kitchen and the clock radio next to your bed, to the cellular phone you hold to your ear—sometimes for hours each day—exposure to EMR is growing and becoming a serious health threat."  Yes indeed, research indicates that cell phones cause cancer. We are constantly exposing ourselves to radiation and having it pressed against your brain is not such a good idea.

People smoke, drink [alcohol, caffeine etc. etc.], eat unhealthy foods, pollute the air [we are so used  to the pollution we don't even know what it is like to enjoy the pleasure of unpolluted air], don't exercise sufficiently, sleep too little etc. etc. Society is so full of self-destructive behaviors.

Let us explore for a moment the issue of poverty in Klal Yisrael and then in the world at large. If every Jew would just give maaser - THERE WOULD BE NO MORE POOR JEWS IN THE WORLD. There are so many Jews with millions and even billions who just keep getting richer while there are countless others who suffer from dire poverty and live a life where they borrow from one person to repay a second then borrow from a third to pay a fourth person and then have to borrow from two more people to pay the first and third person but then need more, so they have to keep borrowing from more people to repay more people. Their own co-religionists could solve all of these problems and still have more than plenty left for themselves. Very often, in the very same family you have people of great wealth and others poorer than poor. Wonder of wonders. This preventable poverty brings in its wake other problems [stress, heart attacks, ulcers, marital disharmony, problems with children etc. etc.]

From the Jewish to the global. Think of how much money is spent in the world every year by countries in order to hurt other countries [weapons, army etc.]. Billions upon billions. And how much is spent to defend against other countries - more and more billions. [Just the present attack-defense against those terrorists who like Chumus (Hamas-Humus it's all the same...) is costing Israel billions of shekels]. Imagine if this money would be spent in order to feed hungry people?! It would spell the end of world hunger. In addition - the funds could be used to advance medicine and otherwise improve the lives of people the world over.

Meaning - if people wouldn't be so selfish and evil then this world would be for the most part a wonderful place to live and we would see a tremendous decrease in the unspeakable suffering that pervades our planet. But the wicked character of so many people creates needless suffering to so many others. I haven't spoken about the amount of slavery - particularly child slavery under terrible  conditions - that still exists in our day or the horrible phenomenon of girls who are forced into prostitution or organ trafficking and many other indescribably torturous events taking place as you read, all over the world. We in Israel, the U.S. and other civilized countries are oblivious to much of what is going on but in our global village we know the facts. 

Sweetest friends!! We are not going to change the whole world but we can at least make things better for those who come into contact with us. All it takes is a desire to never cause a soul any anguish and to always be ready and willing to eagerly help others and you are in the category of "Complete Tzaddik".

Isn't that why we were put here on earth - to make it a better place to live in for others?