Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Treat The Illness - Don't Ignore It

What happened in Gaza?

About 9 years ago, Israel pulled out and let the Arabs have complete autonomy. Now, we are paying a very heavy price. Besides the billions of shekels this is costing that could be going to poor people, we are losing soldiers and others are suffering injuries.

The lesson, of course, is never leave evil unguarded. The Arabs have spent all of these years building those tunnels and bolstering their infrastucture in order to achieve their "final solution" of wiping Israel off the map היו לא תהיה. Israel was oblivious until the rockets started endlessly falling.

My point is not to show how utterly foolish the Israeli government was and is. That is obvious and can be proven from so many other instances as well. [One example - In the Knesset they have Arab Knesset members who hate the Jewish people. Does the USA have Congressman who hate Americans??]

My point is to assert that the exact same thing happens when we allow the evil within ourselves to fester and we don't treat our spiritual ills. Like a cancer it spreads and once we want to do something about it, it's already too late.

So let us look inside of our psyche and see what lurks there. Sinah, kinah, gaava, taavas achila, taavas nashim etc. etc. Then we have to treat it by learning sifrei mussar and chassidus and by being around people who have mastered their inclinations.