Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Everybody Accountable

A previous Prime Minister of the State of Israel, a storied warrior and illustrious politician, lay motionless for YEARS as a vegetable until him time was officially up and he was placed in the ground. א-ל מלא רחמים time...

Now, another former Prime Minister who lived in the fancy quarters that were worthy of world leaders, who met with heads of state, who was constantly looked upon for leadership and guidance, is going to spend the coming years as a simple prison inmate performing menial labor.

That is what the wisest of all men meant when he said כי לא לעולם חוסן - Strength lasts not forever [Mishlei 27/ 24 and see Sanhedrin 7b]. There is a din vi-cheshbon and nobody is above it. It usually happens in this world but always happens in the next. Rich, poor, middle class, famous, infamous, bearded, clean-shaven, black-hatted, yankees cap, big kippah, small kippah, long skirt, shorter skirt, pants etc. etc. Jew, non-jew - EVERYBODY is accountable for their actions.

For me this is an extremely powerful lesson....:-).

לזכות מרת הענא מרים בת חנה לבריאות איתנה!!!