Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Chein, Chesed And Rachamim

What is the idea behind the triple lashon in bentching, namely, that Hashem gives us food בחן בחסד וברחמים?

Explains the Maharal [Nesivos Olam Nesiv Ha-avoda chapter 18]: It is referring to the three categories of people. Tzadikim, mediocre people and evil people.

Tzadikim find חן - favor and grace in Hashem's eyes, as it says "ונח מצא חן בעיני השם" - Noach found favor [חן] in Hashem's eyes. Their parnassa is with חן.

Next comes the mediocre people. Their parnassa comes with chesed. They don't really deserve it but Hashem does a chesed and gives them anyway.

Then come the reshaim. Oyyyyy nebuch!!! What does a rasha have in his life. Hamburgers? The daily newspaper? A hot shower? He sleeps till 12 on Sunday mornings? Nebuch! So empty. He never enjoys dancing during a lecha dodi, singing ko echsof, learning a daf gemara with Tosfos or Parsha with the Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh  Neeeebuucchhh!! He is sustained by Hashem with רחמים - mercy.

בחן בחסד וברחמים - צדיקים בינוניים ורשעים.

We continue - הוא נותן לחם לכל בשר כי לעולם חסדו. Lechem, the staple food, symbolizes our very existence. Hashem is filled with chesed and gives ALL of his creation existence with his eternal, everlasting chesed. כי לעולם חסדו.

לרפואת שרה חאנטשה בת אהבה נחמה בתוך שח"י.