Monday, March 24, 2014

The Costumes We Wear

Moishe goes to the unemployment office in search of a parnassa. They offer him a job as a monkey in the zoo. He is desperate so he takes it. The first day of work went well. He wore his monkey suit and entertained the visitors to the zoo. That night he was sleeping in his cage and suddenly he heard the tiger in the next cage trying to break in. Moishe was becoming more and more afraid as the scary tiger rattled the bars of his cage. When it seemed that he was about to break in and have Moishe for a late second dinner, Moishe cried out "Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad!!!"
The tiger didn't skip a beat and answered "Baruch Sheim Kavod Malchuso...."

"Who are you?" asked Moishe the monkey.

"I am Yossi from the unemployment office," answered the tiger.

Someone once said that we all wear our costumes and try to shield ourselves from all of the people in the outside world. We are often insecure, afraid of criticism, don't fully believe in ourselves and fear the reactions and attitudes towards us of those around us.

Remember!! Every person you see ALSO has fears and insecurities and similarly is concerned with the way others view him or her.

Every other person is really just Yossi from the unemployment office who may be dressed up in a tigers outfit and make you uncomfortable about yourself. He may be your boss or wife [usually the same person...:-)], business associate or the guy who sits next to you in shul.

Sweetest friends - take it easy. Nobody has the right to judge you or assign you self-worth. Nobody really understands where you are coming from [and the way I view it, most people don't understand where they themselves are really coming from. Takes many years of introspection....] and only views you from the limited prism of their own personal existence. People are wired to think a certain way and you should not let the chemicals in other peoples heads get you down.

Ahhhhh - there is so much I want to say but I must at some point to succumb to the jet-lag and general traveling fatigue from which I suffer. Maybe another time and maybe in person:-).