Sunday, March 2, 2014

Help Save Lives

I have a very good friend named Rav Gamliel Zaltzman. He has dedicated his life to helping Jewish children of all types in a myriad of ways. He helps single girls from religious families who have unwanted pregnancies, teenagers who find friends of the opposite gender among the Arab population, kids who use and deal drugs, children from broken homes who dropped out of the system and live on the street etc. etc. If Mir or Ponivitch would close down tomorrow it wouldn't be the end of the world. All of the boys would go to a local beis medrash and continue learning. But R' Gamliel's work SAVES LIVES both spiritually and physically. You have no idea how many kids and families are suffering from all of the many emotional and spiritual problems that afflict our generation. Even though as a rule I try to avoid making appeals on the blog [people generally like keeping their money to themselves and I try not to interfere..], because of R' Gamliels tremendous mesirus nefesh [that I witnessed first hand] I have decided to make an exception. I am reprinting a letter of his here. If anyone would like to hear more information they can contact me or him at
Cell israel : 972-52-620-1444
Europe : 372-597-88622
U.s.a : 1347-603-6088 [he is presently in the States]
[It goes without saying that I am in no way affiliated with him and receive nothing in return. I myself gave beyond my limited means to help. I wish I could give more]. You can donate at Weissler 27 Park Avenue Monsey New York 10952 and make out the check to "Life". All donations are tax deductible.

To  my dear friend, הרב העסקן העוסק בצרכי צבור ,  Rav Chaikel Puretz שליט"א

I have a 15 year old boy who desperately needs your help!

This boy was adopted by a couple that was childless for 20 years.

Sadly, the couple got divorced and as a result , the boy left yeshiva, started using drugs, חלול שבת  , non Kosher food, hitting, non pure speech and the list goes on.

Since the divorce, the boy Isn’t wanted by either parent: not the father, nor the mother. "כי אבי ואמי עזבוני"!  - the boy is a double orphan!

בחסדי ד' I managed to convince him to enter "ישיבת אור יוסף " – נובהרדוק   in France that caters for these children with no family and no place to call home.

The ישיבה  is open 365 days a year including פסח, יוכ"פ   etc. They take good care of the children as would any parent.

The boy is very happy there and therefore improving steadily in the right direction.

The yearly tuition exceeds $16,000 . This sum excludes other expenses such as: clothing, pocket money, Health Insurance, trips etc.

I am urging you to help! Please see how you can assist me with this project – to help this doubly orphaned boy – who has no father and no mother!

We must help this  אידישע נשמה  get back to the דרך המלך בתורה ויראת שמים!

"אבי יתומים ודין אלמנות יעזור לכל הנושאים בעול"

Your dear friend,

גמליאל זלצמן