Sunday, February 23, 2014

Koach Ha-tumah

The Tolna Rebbe Shlita has the ability to look at a person face and discern whether they have contaminated themselves by looking at pritzus. I once saw him talk to a teenager who was very careful about these matters and he exclaimed with certitude "Wow - you guard your eyes so well!" Knowing this boy [a student] extremely well I can attest to the fact that he was spot on [despite the young man's other spiritual weaknesses].

Recently I was dealing with a troubled youngster [the child of a friend] and at a certain stage, I saw a change in his face. It was frightening - I could see the tumah! I asked a few questions and found out that he had recently become involved in watching pornographic content.. Scarrrrrrrryyyyyyy. I don't have ruach ha-kodesh. The mishna in gittin says בפני נכתב ובפני נחתם - Literally "On the face it is written and on the face it is signed". Your actions and thoughts make an impression....

Tumah and tahara are not abstractions - they are as real as the computer [or other contraption] you are using.

No - more real.