Sunday, November 3, 2013

Go To The Source

What does the pasuk in tehillim [and Hallel] mean when it says "Hashem li bozroi, vi-ani er-eh bi-sonai. Tov lachasos baShem mibtoach b'adam" - Hashem is with me with my helpers and I will see my enemies. It is better to take refuge in Hashem than in people [translation from "Allyscroll siddur" as of yet unpublished].

Moshol: A person has a court case so he gets anyone he can to speak to the judge to convince him to give a favorable judgement. In Israel this is called " ויטימן P" [Protektzia, which means inside connections]. But then he realizes that, Hey, he can speak to the judge himself.

"Hashem is with me with my helpers" - I know that all of my helpers are just messengers of Hashem to help me and have no independent power. "And I will see my enemies" - All of my enemies are ALSO just agents carrying out the Divine will.

But "Hey" - the " ה" stands for "Hashem", why don't I just turn directly to the Source. "It is better to take refuge in Hashem than in nobles". Forget the vitamin P and turn to the King of Kings!


[From a letter of Rav Kook after the San Remo conference in 1920, printed in Igros Ri-iyah Vol.4 Page 56]

Lizchus Gittel Feiga bas Beila Bluma livracha vi-hatzlacha bichol ha-inyanim!