Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Inside Of Man - Always Davening - Sarah Rivka bas Breindel Leah

Rav Kook has an essay where he talks about how the neshama of a person is always davening - הנשמה תמיד מתפללת. The pnimiyus of a person is that he/she is a mispallel.

Let us see niflaos lashon hakodesh: אדם is man. Aleph Dalet Mem. What is the pnimiyus of an Adam. Inside of the letter aleph אלפ is a לפ. Inside of the letter dalet דלת is a לת. Inside of the letter Mem מ"ם is a מ. If you take all of the "internal organs" of the word Adam you get ..... מתפלל.

Wonder of wonders.

Lirfuas Sarah Rivka bas Breindel Leah bi-toch shear cholei yisrael. Let your pnimiyus bring her a refuah shleima!