Tuesday, October 29, 2013


The Zohar [Tikkunei Zohar 6/26] says that people are like dogs. They cry out "הב הב" - Gimme-Gimme!!

What is wrong with asking Hashem for things?? We are supposed to ask. That is called "davening"....

There are people who ask for what they NEED and there are others who never have enough and always want more. One car - they want two. Two houses - they want three. It's never enough. Such people have no menuchas hanefesh. They always want more and more luxuries. Even after they have, they scream "hav" - Gimme more, G-d!

Yaakov Avinu said "יש לי כל" - I have EVERYTHING I need. That is the right approach. Don't go for the unnecessary, excessive pleasures. Enjoy what you have. Yaakov said to Hashem "Give me a garment to wear and bread to eat". He didn't even ask for jelly to put on his bread. 

[אך פרי תבואה דרוש לר"ה קע"ג]

Lirifuas R' Shlomo Feige ben Dina