Monday, September 9, 2013

Make A Protest

Reb Dovid'l of Tolna once approached his chasidim who were sitting and talking during the aseres yemei tshuva and asked what they were discussing. They were too much in awe of their Rebbe to reply in detail so one of them just said that they were talking about the upcoming Yom Kippur.

Reb Dovid'l then asked: What is the idea of Tshuva and Vidui on Yom Kippur? Afterwards everyone goes back to the way they were anyway, so what is the benefit??

He explained: The gemara says that when somebody squats on your field, in order to get the field back you must protest [macht a micho-oh] and say "Ploni is a gazlan [thief]". Teshuva and Vidui on Yom Kippur is our protest when we say 'The yetzer hara is a gazlan". This insures that it will not become a permanent resident [eingezingt by unz] in our hearts.

[Kovetz Netzah Dovid Kislev תשנו]

לזכות רבי יהודה יעקב בן דינה חאשע להצלחה בכל עניניו