Monday, September 9, 2013

Don't Take It All For Yourself

The Rebbe of Bohosh used to ask: What is the meaning of the vidui על חטא שחטאנו לפניך במאכל ובמשתה - For sinning before you with food and drink. Do we eat lobster of pork for which we have to confess??

The answer is that we are doing teshuva for eating without having guests at our table....

[A simple explanation is that we aren't always so careful about brachos with kavana and also tend to over eat at times which is possibly an aveira of לא תתורו as per the Sefer Hachinuch 387]

לזכות רבי אפרים אבא בן מרים שושנה לברכה והצלחה בכל עניניו