Monday, August 5, 2013

Stand Up

Avraham Yom Tov from Tel Aviv was very close to Rav Ben Tov. He related the following: In Tel Aviv, about 25 years ago, lived a huge tzadik named Rav Avraham Fisch. He worked in construction would sleep in the stairwell and the money he would earn would be distributed to the poor. A hidden tzadik. One day someone came from Tel Aviv to the Baba Sali to ask for a bracha. The Baba Sali said "You have a tzadik in Tel Aviv named Rav Fisch, why are you coming to me?" He never had children. He was a tzadik yesod olam.

One time Rav Fisch didn't feel well. I called "Abba" [that is what he called Rav Ben Tov] and I told him that the tzadik is sick and asked that he come and bless him. The Rav arrived in Tel Aviv and was about to take out Rav Fisch's mezuzos to check them. Rav Fisch asked him not to do so. Rav Ben Tov then turned to Rav Fisch and said "You are not going to the hospital. You are healthy. Stand up on your feet."

Wonder of wonders - Rav Fisch arose as if he wasn't sick at all. I was in shock.